Grading Rubrics

Grading Rubrics

• Professional and appropriate tone for the audience
• Indications of having thought strategically about the message and audience
• Tight, logical, and complete argument
• Clear and concise style
• If a memo or e-mail,
clear, concise, meaningful subject line (reveals the “so what)

• First paragraph that establishes context and states the purpose
• Final paragraph establishing the next step if appropriate
• Correct usage and no careless proofreading errors
• Formatted for easy reading (no globby paragraphs, headings used effectively)

Overall performance: ___________
Content & Organization (75%)
 Honest and thorough assessment of strengths and weaknesses
 Specific goals and actions
 Realistic timelines
 Method to measure results
 Suggested commitment to improvement
 Logically organized
 Complete (CDP plus all attachments)

Style & Grammar (15%)
 Clear and concise style
 Correct usage
 No careless proofreading errors Format (10%)
 Clear, easy to read, professional formatting
 Effective use of headers
 Good use of lists, bullets, tables, or graphics where appropriate

Overall comments:

Memo/Letter Grading Sheet – 
Student name: Overall performance: ___________
Overall comments:

Content (30%)
 Clear, concise, meaningful subject line (captures “so what” of memo)
 Clear, direct recommendation
 Adequate and complete justification for recommendation
Logic (20%)
 Logical and complete pyramid setting out the argument
 Tight, logical argument in memo
Style and Usage (15%)
 Professional and appropriate tone
 Clear and concise style
 Correct usage
 No careless proofreading errors

Opening & Closing (15%)
 Memo elements in opening (date, to, from, subject)
 Context for memo established in opening
 Purpose statement in first paragraph
 Closing and next steps in final paragraph
Format (15%)
 Effective format, following business writing conventions
 Paragraphs of reasonable length (no “globby” paragraphs)
 Headers used effectively
 Lists/bullets where appropriate
Graphs (5%)
 Graphs labeled, introduced, and referenced in text

Proposal Grading Sheet –
Team number and members: Overall performance: ___________
Overall comments:

Situation Analysis (40%)
Adequate discussion of each of the following:
 Company background
 Impetus for the plan
 Product/service description
 Competitive landscape
 Benefits of plan
 Proper credit given for external sources
Methods and Approach (20%)
 Complete action plan
 Complete task-breakdown (work plan with specific identification, assignment, and timing for tasks)
 Clear indication of progress
 Realistic, adequate research methods
Working Relationship/ Qualifications (10%)
 Clear explanation of how you propose to work with the company
 Complete but concise description of team qualifications

Style and Usage (10%)
 Professional and appropriate tone
 Clear and concise style
 Consistent style and tone
 Correct usage
 No careless proofreading errors
Letter of Transmittal (5%)
 Context for memo in opening
 Clear reference to proposal
 Closing and next steps in final paragraph
Proposal Mechanics (15%)
 Effective format, following business writing conventions for proposals
 Consistent look and feel in text and exhibits
 Paragraphs of reasonable length (no “globby” paragraphs)
 Headers used effectively
 Lists/bullets where appropriate
 Exhibits labeled, introduced, and referenced in text

Note: These items were not given equal weight in the grading process. The approximate value of each section is indicated in parenthesis

Team Presentation Evaluation
Team #: Date:
Team members:

Introduction to team, overall topic, and subtopics
Team coordination (transition between speakers, consistency of point of view, handling of Q&A)

Logic and organizational structure (coherence, organizing device, and transparency of structure)
Graphics: adherence to basic PowerPoint principles
Graphics: quality of charts and chart titles, treatment of data
Quality of team’s content (varies according to assignment)
 Appropriate content & tone for audience
 Adequate justification for this product in this county
 Appropriate background (on country, product, timing, competitors)
 Some consideration of positioning, pricing, and communication strategy
 Breakeven analysis (adequate financial analysis with estimated costs and revenue projections)
 Creative, original thinking
Conclusion (summary and review of topics)

Overall team performance:

Evaluation of Individual Presentations
Presenter____________________________________________ Date _______________
Needs work Average Good Excellent Comments:

Leadership Image
Energy level
Eye contact
Fillers (uhs, etc)
Voice, Diction, Usage
Content & organization
Knowledge/ control of content
Conclusion (summary)
Adherence to basic
PPt principles
Ability to present
Chart titles
Overall quality
Overall comments: