Grading Rubrics
• Professional and appropriate tone for the audience
• Indications of having thought strategically about the message and audience
• Tight, logical, and complete argument
• Clear and concise style
• If a memo or e-mail,
clear, concise, meaningful subject line (reveals the “so what)
• First paragraph that establishes context and states the purpose
• Final paragraph establishing the next step if appropriate
• Correct usage and no careless proofreading errors
• Formatted for easy reading (no globby paragraphs, headings used effectively)
Overall performance: ___________
Content & Organization (75%)
Honest and thorough assessment of strengths and weaknesses
Specific goals and actions
Realistic timelines
Method to measure results
Suggested commitment to improvement
Logically organized
Complete (CDP plus all attachments)
Style & Grammar (15%)
Clear and concise style
Correct usage
No careless proofreading errors Format (10%)
Clear, easy to read, professional formatting
Effective use of headers
Good use of lists, bullets, tables, or graphics where appropriate
Overall comments:
Memo/Letter Grading Sheet –
Student name: Overall performance: ___________
Overall comments:
Content (30%)
Clear, concise, meaningful subject line (captures “so what” of memo)
Clear, direct recommendation
Adequate and complete justification for recommendation
Logic (20%)
Logical and complete pyramid setting out the argument
Tight, logical argument in memo
Style and Usage (15%)
Professional and appropriate tone
Clear and concise style
Correct usage
No careless proofreading errors
Opening & Closing (15%)
Memo elements in opening (date, to, from, subject)
Context for memo established in opening
Purpose statement in first paragraph
Closing and next steps in final paragraph
Format (15%)
Effective format, following business writing conventions
Paragraphs of reasonable length (no “globby” paragraphs)
Headers used effectively
Lists/bullets where appropriate
Graphs (5%)
Graphs labeled, introduced, and referenced in text
Proposal Grading Sheet –
Team number and members: Overall performance: ___________
Overall comments:
Situation Analysis (40%)
Adequate discussion of each of the following:
Company background
Impetus for the plan
Product/service description
Competitive landscape
Benefits of plan
Proper credit given for external sources
Methods and Approach (20%)
Complete action plan
Complete task-breakdown (work plan with specific identification, assignment, and timing for tasks)
Clear indication of progress
Realistic, adequate research methods
Working Relationship/ Qualifications (10%)
Clear explanation of how you propose to work with the company
Complete but concise description of team qualifications
Style and Usage (10%)
Professional and appropriate tone
Clear and concise style
Consistent style and tone
Correct usage
No careless proofreading errors
Letter of Transmittal (5%)
Context for memo in opening
Clear reference to proposal
Closing and next steps in final paragraph
Proposal Mechanics (15%)
Effective format, following business writing conventions for proposals
Consistent look and feel in text and exhibits
Paragraphs of reasonable length (no “globby” paragraphs)
Headers used effectively
Lists/bullets where appropriate
Exhibits labeled, introduced, and referenced in text
Note: These items were not given equal weight in the grading process. The approximate value of each section is indicated in parenthesis
Team Presentation Evaluation
Team #: Date:
Team members:
Introduction to team, overall topic, and subtopics
Team coordination (transition between speakers, consistency of point of view, handling of Q&A)
Logic and organizational structure (coherence, organizing device, and transparency of structure)
Graphics: adherence to basic PowerPoint principles
Graphics: quality of charts and chart titles, treatment of data
Quality of team’s content (varies according to assignment)
Appropriate content & tone for audience
Adequate justification for this product in this county
Appropriate background (on country, product, timing, competitors)
Some consideration of positioning, pricing, and communication strategy
Breakeven analysis (adequate financial analysis with estimated costs and revenue projections)
Creative, original thinking
Conclusion (summary and review of topics)
Overall team performance:
Evaluation of Individual Presentations
Presenter____________________________________________ Date _______________
Needs work Average Good Excellent Comments:
Leadership Image
Energy level
Eye contact
Fillers (uhs, etc)
Voice, Diction, Usage
Content & organization
Knowledge/ control of content
Conclusion (summary)
Adherence to basic
PPt principles
Ability to present
Chart titles
Overall quality
Overall comments:
• Indications of having thought strategically about the message and audience
• Tight, logical, and complete argument
• Clear and concise style
• If a memo or e-mail,
clear, concise, meaningful subject line (reveals the “so what)
• First paragraph that establishes context and states the purpose
• Final paragraph establishing the next step if appropriate
• Correct usage and no careless proofreading errors
• Formatted for easy reading (no globby paragraphs, headings used effectively)
Overall performance: ___________
Content & Organization (75%)
Honest and thorough assessment of strengths and weaknesses
Specific goals and actions
Realistic timelines
Method to measure results
Suggested commitment to improvement
Logically organized
Complete (CDP plus all attachments)
Style & Grammar (15%)
Clear and concise style
Correct usage
No careless proofreading errors Format (10%)
Clear, easy to read, professional formatting
Effective use of headers
Good use of lists, bullets, tables, or graphics where appropriate
Overall comments:
Memo/Letter Grading Sheet –
Student name: Overall performance: ___________
Overall comments:
Content (30%)
Clear, concise, meaningful subject line (captures “so what” of memo)
Clear, direct recommendation
Adequate and complete justification for recommendation
Logic (20%)
Logical and complete pyramid setting out the argument
Tight, logical argument in memo
Style and Usage (15%)
Professional and appropriate tone
Clear and concise style
Correct usage
No careless proofreading errors
Opening & Closing (15%)
Memo elements in opening (date, to, from, subject)
Context for memo established in opening
Purpose statement in first paragraph
Closing and next steps in final paragraph
Format (15%)
Effective format, following business writing conventions
Paragraphs of reasonable length (no “globby” paragraphs)
Headers used effectively
Lists/bullets where appropriate
Graphs (5%)
Graphs labeled, introduced, and referenced in text
Proposal Grading Sheet –
Team number and members: Overall performance: ___________
Overall comments:
Situation Analysis (40%)
Adequate discussion of each of the following:
Company background
Impetus for the plan
Product/service description
Competitive landscape
Benefits of plan
Proper credit given for external sources
Methods and Approach (20%)
Complete action plan
Complete task-breakdown (work plan with specific identification, assignment, and timing for tasks)
Clear indication of progress
Realistic, adequate research methods
Working Relationship/ Qualifications (10%)
Clear explanation of how you propose to work with the company
Complete but concise description of team qualifications
Style and Usage (10%)
Professional and appropriate tone
Clear and concise style
Consistent style and tone
Correct usage
No careless proofreading errors
Letter of Transmittal (5%)
Context for memo in opening
Clear reference to proposal
Closing and next steps in final paragraph
Proposal Mechanics (15%)
Effective format, following business writing conventions for proposals
Consistent look and feel in text and exhibits
Paragraphs of reasonable length (no “globby” paragraphs)
Headers used effectively
Lists/bullets where appropriate
Exhibits labeled, introduced, and referenced in text
Note: These items were not given equal weight in the grading process. The approximate value of each section is indicated in parenthesis
Team Presentation Evaluation
Team #: Date:
Team members:
Introduction to team, overall topic, and subtopics
Team coordination (transition between speakers, consistency of point of view, handling of Q&A)
Logic and organizational structure (coherence, organizing device, and transparency of structure)
Graphics: adherence to basic PowerPoint principles
Graphics: quality of charts and chart titles, treatment of data
Quality of team’s content (varies according to assignment)
Appropriate content & tone for audience
Adequate justification for this product in this county
Appropriate background (on country, product, timing, competitors)
Some consideration of positioning, pricing, and communication strategy
Breakeven analysis (adequate financial analysis with estimated costs and revenue projections)
Creative, original thinking
Conclusion (summary and review of topics)
Overall team performance:
Evaluation of Individual Presentations
Presenter____________________________________________ Date _______________
Needs work Average Good Excellent Comments:
Leadership Image
Energy level
Eye contact
Fillers (uhs, etc)
Voice, Diction, Usage
Content & organization
Knowledge/ control of content
Conclusion (summary)
Adherence to basic
PPt principles
Ability to present
Chart titles
Overall quality
Overall comments: