Instructions for Individual Oral Presentation

Instructions for Individual Oral Presentation

For this assignment, students will prepare a five-minute oral presentation. This is their opportunity to develop their speaking skills by choosing their own business-related topic, developing the PowerPoint slides on their own, and delivering a well-prepared presentation.
This assignment allows students to accomplish the following objectives:
• Practice creating, preparing, and delivering a PowerPoint presentation
• Practice individual presentation skills
Audience and Context
Students may choose any business-related topic. Students can develop ideas based on articles in business publications, expand on a topic they have covered in another class, or report on a company or career they are interested in pursuing. For example, students might use topics, such as how to read an annual report to prepare for an interview, the pros and cons of franchising with a particular company, business etiquette, and tips on doing business in a specific country.
Communication faculty and peers will be the audience, although students may create a different audience if they wish (they need to make sure to identify the audience before they start presenting). Remember to spell out all unfamiliar acronyms, etc. Students should wear business attire.
Students’ presentations must include PowerPoint graphics that they have developed on their own. They should remember to follow the PowerPoint design principles in LC.
In addition to the presentation, students should turn in a printout of the PowerPoint presentation with three slides per page to the communication faculty at the beginning of class.

Evaluation Criteria
For the presentation evaluation criteria, students should see the oral presentation self-evaluation form in LC.